
Program List - PGWP Eligible Fields of Study

International students interested in working in Canada after they graduate may be eligible for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) issued by the Government of Canada through Immigration, Refugees & Citizenship Canada (IRCC).  IRCC and other government departments regularly revise their policies and change the eligibility criteria for PGWPs, and therefore, international students must check the  for the most up-to-date information before making an application for a PGWP. As of November 1, 2024, IRCC has posted eligibility requirements online entitled .  It is the responsibility of the student to understand the criteria and ensure that they meet the PGWP eligibility requirements when they apply.

On September 18, 2024, which took effect on November 1, 2024. As a result, the criteria for the PGWP have changed and some college programs at a designated learning institution will no longer meet the requirements. In accordance with the IRCC announcement, such programs must meet the “field of study requirement” which is determined by IRCC. The are listed online and are identified using Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) Codes. Based on the guidance from IRCC, posted on November 1, 2024, the following programs at the New Brunswick Community College (HÂþ»­) currently align with one of the CIP Codes identified as being a field of study eligible for a PGWP and may therefore support PGWP eligibility:

Eligible PGWP Programs

Updated: Jan 14, 2025

ProgramCIP Code
Applied Community Planning04.0301
Building Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)15.1001
Building Systems Engineering Technology15.1001
Carpentry (Optional Co-op)46.0201
Contact Lens Fitting51.1802
Digital Marketing52.1404
Early Childhood Education19.0709
Educational Support13.1501
Electrical and Instrumental Fundamentals47.0105
Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls Technician (Optional Co-op)47.0105
Electrical: Construction46.0302
Electrical: Industrial46.0302
Graphic Design50.0409
Health Sciences51.2601
Heavy Equipment Service Technician47.0302
Human Service Practitioner 44.0000 
HVAC: Sheet Metal Fabrication47.0201
Industrial Mechanics47.0303
Information Technology: Business Analysis11.0501
Information Technology: Business and Advanced Analytics30.7001
Information Technology: Cybersecurity11.1003
Information Technology: Data Analytics**30.7101
Information Technology: Game Development 11.02.04
Information Technology: Network Administration11.1001
Information Technology: Quality Assurance Testing15.1204
Information Technology: Software Development11.0201
Mechanical Technician (Optional Co-op)47.0303
Medical Laboratory Assistant51.0802
Medical Laboratory Technology51.1004
Metal Fabrication 48.0511
Personal Support Worker Acute Care51.3902
Pharmacy Assistant51.0805
Pharmacy Technician51.0805
Practical Nurse*51.3901
Practical Nurse: PSW Pathway*51.3901
Precision Machining48.0501
Process Control Technician (Optional Co-op)41.9999
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technician47.0201
Respiratory Therapy*51.0908
Skilled Trades Techniques46.9999
Skilled Trades Techniques: Carpentry46.0201
Skilled Trades Techniques: Electrical Construction46.0302
Skilled Trades Techniques: Electrical Industrial46.0302
Skilled Trades Techniques: Plumbing46.0503
Skilled Trades Techniques: Welding48.0508
Skilled Trades Techniques: Welding and Metal Fabrication48.0511
Social Service Community Worker44.0000
Social Services Community Worker Fundamentals44.0000
Supply Chain Management and Logistics52.0203
Sustainable Agriculture1.0000-
Welding and Metal Fabrication48.0511
Welding Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)48.0508
Welding Plus Pressure Welding48.0508
Wind and Solar Energy Technician15.1704, 15.1703

*International applicants are not currently eligible for this program.

**Important Note for International Students: Since this program has been designed to be delivered entirely online, it is not eligible for a study permit nor a post-graduation work permit.”

Non-Eligible PGWP Programs

Updated: Jan 14, 2025

ProgramCIP Code
Accounting and Payroll Administration52.0302
Administrative Professional52.0401
Administrative Professional: Executive52.0402
Administrative Professional: French Second Language Training52.0401
Administrative Professional: Health Services51.0716
Administrative Professional: Legal Services22.0301
Advanced Electrical Applications15.0303
Agricultural Equipment Repair01.0205
Animation and Graphics10.0304
Applied Construction Management52.2001
Applied Energy Management 15.0503
Applied Manufacturing Methods15.0613
Auto Body and Collision Technician47.0603
Automotive Service Technician47.0604
Automotive Technology47.0604
Business Administration: Accounting52.0305
Business Administration: Financial Management52.0807
Business Administration: Insurance and Risk Management52.1701
Business Administration: Management52.0201
Business Administration: Marketing52.1401
Business Fundamentals 52.0101
Chemical Technology (Optional Co-op)41.0301
Child and Youth Care44.0702
Civil Engineering Technician15.0201
Civil Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)15.0201
Client Service and Sales 52.0411
Culinary Arts12.0503
Culinary Arts Management12.0504
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Technician15.0303
Electrical Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)15.0303
Electronic Data Communication Systems15.0305
Electronics Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)15.0303
Environmental Technology (Optional Co-op)15.0507
Hospitality and Tourism Management52.0901
Hotel and Restaurant Management52.0909
Hotel & Restaurant Operations52.0909
Human Resources Management52.1001
International Business Management52.1101
Justice Studies: Police Foundations43.0107
Justice Studies: Private Security & Investigative Officer43.9999
Justice Studies: Public Safety (Corrections)43.0102
Marine Diesel Mechanics47.0605
Mechanical Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)15.0805
Motorcycle Repair47.0611
Non-Profit Leadership52.0206
Power Engineering Technology (Optional Co-op)15.1702
Power Engineering Technology- Fourth Class15.1702
Skilled Trades Techniques: Marine Diesel Mechanics47.0605
Skilled Trades Techniques: Truck and Transport Service Technician47.0613
Truck and Transport Service Technician47.0613

IRCC may change the field of study requirements or related CIP Codes at any time and students must carefully assess their program and any updated guidance or criteria from IRCC to assess their PGWP eligibility. HÂþ»­ cannot guarantee the outcome of any PGWP application. IRCC makes all final decisions on whether to issue PGWPs and the HÂþ»­ does not have decision-making authority in relation to a PGWP criteria (including eligible fields of study and program evaluation) or application assessment.